Common-envelope simulations of a 12 solar mass red supergiant donor
These videos are associated with the publication Common envelopes in massive stars: Towards the role of radiation pressure and recombination energy in ejecting red supergiant envelopes (Lau et al., 2022a) .
For each simulation, we show the density cross-section in the equatorial/orbital plane, in the meridional plane, and in a meridional plane instantaneously co-rotating with the stellar cores.
Gas + radiation equation of state
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Gas + radiation equation of state with 3 solar mass companion (surface render, medium resolution).
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Gas + radiation equation of state with 3 solar mass companion (equatorial plane).
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Gas + radiation equation of state with 3 solar mass companion (meridional plane).
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Gas + radiation equation of state with 3 solar mass companion (meridional plane, corotating frame).
Ideal gas equation of state
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Ideal gas equation of state with 3 solar mass companion (equatorial plane).
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Ideal gas equation of state with 3 solar mass companion (meridional plane).
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Ideal gas equation of state with 3 solar mass companion (meridional plane, corotating frame).
"Full" equation of state
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Full equation of state with 3 solar mass companion (equatorial plane).
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Full equation of state with 3 solar mass companion (meridional plane).
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Full equation of state with 3 solar mass companion (meridional plane, corotating frame).