Selected talks & conferences


Croucher Symposium 2024

Hong Kong, Dec 2024


41st Liège International Astrophysical Colloquium: The eventful life of massive star multiples

Liège, Jul 2024, Accretor inflation during rapid mass transfer (best linguistic invention)

Joint Franco-Australian 5th Phantom and MCFOST Users Workshop

Monash University (remote invited speaker), Feb 2024, Common envelopes and planetary engulfment in SPH


Croucher Symposium 2023

Hong Kong, Dec 2023


Chinese University of Hong Kong, Dec 2023, Common-envelope evolution in binary stars


ICRAR-Curtin, Perth, Mar 2023, Common-envelope evolution in binary stars

Phantom users workshop 2023

Monash University, Feb 2023, LOC, Modelling common-envelope evolution in SPH

ANITA workshop and school 2023

Adelaide, Feb 2023, no talk

SESTAS meeting

MPA, Garching, Jan 2023, Common Envelope Evolution in 3D Hydrodynamics

Common envelope group meeting

HITS, Heidelberg, Jan 2023, Common Envelope Evolution in 3D Hydrodynamics


Seminar (online)

MPA, Dec 2022, Common-envelope evolution: Massive stars , gravitational waves, and planets

Gravitational Wave Physics and Astronomy Workshop (GWPAW)

Melbourne, Dec 2022, invited speaker, Common-envelope evolution: Progress and uncertainties

Final review seminar

Monash University, Sep 2022, 3D hydrodynamical simulations of a massive star common envelope

CCA Predoctoral Program Symposium

CCA, Flatiron Institute, Jun 2022, Hydrodynamical simulations of planetary engulfment

CCA Stars & Compact Objects Group Meeting

CCA, Flatiron Institute, Mar 2022, Common envelope physics


OzGrav Data/Astro Telecon

Virtual, Dec 2021, 3D hydrodynamical simulations of a massive star common envelope

Mid-candidature seminar

Monash University (virtual), Sep 2021, 3D hydrodynamical simulations of a massive star common envelope

Common Envelope Physics and Outcomes (CEPO) 2021

Technion (virtual), Sep 2021, 3D hydrodynamical simulations of a massive star common envelope

ASA Annual Meeting 2021

University of Melbourne, Jul 2021, 3D hydrodynamical simulations of a massive star common envelope

EAS Annual Meeting 2021

Leiden (virtual), Jul 2021, 3D hydrodynamical simulations of a massive star common envelope

LISA Workshop

Auckland (remote invited speaker), Feb 2021, Detecting double neutron stars with LISA


Confirmation of candidature seminar

Monash University (virtual), Aug 2020, Hydrodynamical simulations of common-envelope evolution

The 13th International LISA Symposium

Virtual, Aug 2020, Detecting double neutron stars with LISA

ANITA workshop and school 2020

UNSW Canberra, Feb 2020, Double neutron stars physics with LISA: What low-frequency gravitational waves tell us about binary star evolution

Gravitational Waves Group Meeting

Cardiff University, Jan 2020, Double neutron stars physics with LISA: What low-frequency gravitational waves tell us about binary star evolution

Astrophysics Seminar

University of Birmingham, Jan 2020, Double neutron stars physics with LISA: What low-frequency gravitational waves tell us about binary star evolution


2019 Stars in Melbourne

Monash University, Dec 2019, 3D hydrodynamical simulations of a massive star common envelope

2019 OzGrav Annual Retreat

Lorne, Melbourne, Nov 2019, 3D hydrodynamical simulations of a massive star common envelope

OzGrav Data/Astro Telecon

Virtual, Nov 2019, 3D hydrodynamical simulations of a massive star common envelope


Summer Undergraduate Research Programme

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Aug 2017, poster, Cosmological neutrino trapping and strange star collapse